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About Camp

About Camp

Above Average Hoops is a basketball camp that will teach our youth the necessary fundamentals to improve their game. They will be challenged and encouraged to be great! They will learn the importance of being coachable, competitive, energetic, positive as well as what it takes to be a leader both on and off the court. They will also have the chance to ask our coaching staff questions about their basketball experience and what it takes to be successful in such a competitive sport. Above Average Hoops is also a great opportunity for our youth to build relationships with one another as well as share common goals and dreams that they may have. The desire and willingness to learn is what will make this camp great!

What To expect from camp


A great coaching staff

A high energy camp

Skill development



Ball handling

Passing & receiving

Defensive drills/principals

5 on 5 Games & 1 on 1 Games

Most of All: We Will Have Fun!

What we expect from campers

Above Average Hoops Logo.jpg

Be on time and alert

Give 100% daily


Ask questions

Be respectful

Be coachable

Have a desire to learn

Show leadership and good sportsmanship

Show up in basketball attire (basketball shoes, shorts & shirt)

Most Importantly: HAVE FUN!